Plano organization claims second runner-up in Social Innovation Accelerator
PLANO, TX – April 18, 2019 – My Possibilities (MP) presented MPact, an innovative solution to bridge the employment gap for adults with disabilities, at The Pitch, a United Way of Metropolitan Dallas hosted event. MP placed second runner up, taking home $25,000 plus an additional $25,000 as a competing finalist, for a grand total of $50,000.
My Possibilities is taking 10 years of experience in continuing educational programming and job training services and combining that with a one-of-a-kind employment training center that gives individuals with disabilities the chance to work in the community. Through this program, we estimate about 1,000 job placements in North Texas in the next five years.
“MPact is the bridge between our educational programming and the workforce that’s asking for our help to employ them [HIPsters],” said Executive Director Michael Thomas while presenting MPact, “but it’s better than that. It provides a sustainability tool, a source of revenue for our organization to continue growing and serving more people.”
My Possibilities will build the first ever HIPster retail training center. The retail transition center, located on the southeast corner of the My Possibilities Campus for Higher Learning, will offer 8-10 retail opportunities and serve as a launchpad for adults with IDD. The retail transition center will allow these adults the opportunity to receive important job skills in a real world setting and will serve as a hub for employment, training for companies looking to hire adults with disabilities and social engagement for the surrounding community. MPact allows employees of these companies to work alongside and support people with disabilities, changing the culture of inclusion.
“Diversity and Inclusion departments all over the country are furthering the conversation about the importance of hiring a diverse workforce. However, our HIPsters are still the last population being brought to the employment table,” said Thomas. “Misconceptions about hiring someone with a disability, partnered with the lack of educational and job training opportunities means many of these individuals will go years, decades and sometimes their entire lives without collecting a paycheck despite the fact that they have the desire, passion and the ability to do so.”
MP is pleased to share, in the last year, MPact has grown from an idea to a partnership with local North Texas companies; Berry Family Services, North Texas Food Bank, Family Health Market, Fat Straws, Peticolas Brewing Company, Soap Hope, MP Greens, Howdy Homemade, Eiland Coffee Roasters and Greenville Avenue Pizza Company.
Additional suggested retail tenants include industries such as a gaming café, hobby stores, health and personal care, restaurants, etc. MP is focused on providing connections to industries that connect with HIPsters and their job skills.
For more information on MPact, contact Michael Thomas at mthomas@mptx.org.
About My Possibilities:
My Possibilities is a Plano-based for-cause 501c(3) organization that serves as the pioneering leader in vocational education for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities throughout North Texas. To learn more, visit: mypossibilities.org
About United Way of Metropolitan Dallas:
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas addresses community issues in a holistic way by focusing on the building blocks of opportunity—education, income and health—that every person and community needs to thrive. United Way has been a local organization since helping North Texans since 1924. To learn more, visit: unitedwaydallas.org
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